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"Our readership surveys show that Ted Gorsline`s "Man-eating Black Bears" was the best read story in Outdoor Life in 1978 and the third best read story ever to appear in our magazine up to that date."
-George Haas, Senior editor Outdoor Life
"When Iwas in charge of the Selous Project and working as an advisor to the Selous warden in Tanzania, I often talked to Ted Gorsline about the man-eating lions found around the Selous Game Reserve and in the Kilombero Valley. "Ted`s hunting concession and camp were on the north bank of the Kilombero River, in an area where man-eating lions occurred and where he, from time to time, had to hunt them."
-Dr. Rolf D. Baldus, Tanzania Wildlife Department 1987-1993 and 1998-2005
"People continue to be misled about the bear clan. Ted Gorsline has thoroughly researched and documented a different face of the cuddly bear." "His Man-eating Black Bears trilogy is must reading for anyone living near bears. Ted is one of the top five authors I endorse on this subject."
-Larry Kaniut, Author, "Alaska Bear Tales"
"Having spent many years in the wilds of Canada this riveting and factual recounting of bear attacks made for a wide eyed and exhilarating read and is a must for any backpacker, hunter or outdoorsman venturing into bear country."
-Thomas Pigeon, Creator "Canada in the Rough," Canada`s internationally acclaimed documentary television series.
"It was a high adventure to hunt Africa with Ted Gorsline. His calm nature in critical situations made my safari successful and unforgettable. I especially enjoyed hunting by dugout canoe. "When I wrote my German language book about hunting cape buffalo with Ted, I was fascinated to hear about Kilombero`s chronic man-eaters, to hear the lions roaring at dawn, and to see the huge cross constantly sliding into the river ahead of our canoe."
-Wolfgang Robert, Author, "Buffel Unterm Kreuz des Südens"
"In the past 40 years I have written more than 50 books and published hundreds of magazine articles about wild nature, in serveral languages, in many European publications. "In the course of this work I have read thousands of articles. I have never read a more interesting or detailed account of the nature of the wild black bears than Ted Gorsline`s "Man-eating Black Bears."
-Baron Gert von Harling